Microsoft Excel has hundreds, if not thousands, of functions and features. This course aims to cover some of the best that is the ones I find most useful. In “Adventures in Excel”, I cover the simple to use but powerful functions that I use most often:
· Basic features including SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, SQRT and POWER
· Key date functions including the calculation of due dates and days past due using EOMONTH, EDATE and DAYS
· Generating random numbers and random dates with RAND and RANDBETWEEN, and introducing the new RANDARRAY function
· The new IFS functions (new to Office365) – AVERAGEIFS, MAXIFS, MINIFS, COUNTIFS and SUMIFS
· Text functions including TRIM, UPPER, LOWER, PROPER, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, and TEXTJOIN
· The most useful logical functions and IS functions: AND, OR, NOT, ISBLANK, ISTEXT, ISNUMBER and ISERROR
· How to create a drop down list
· The new XLOOKUP function and how it compares with the popular VLOOKUP function
· Pivot tables: how to create one and how to use one to analyze data
There is so much in Microsoft Excel that I cannot cover it all in one course that might need 100 courses. Instead, in this course Adventures in Excel: I start with some simple calculations and move on to some of the features and functions that I use most often. There are no visual basic or macros in here just powerful but simple to use functions. These functions are easy to use, and, unless your role is extremely specialized, they are probably the ones you will use 90% of the time.
I hope you find the course helpful.
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