In this course, we will learn microservices with using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. To create it, we will implement eveything step by step from initial to finalize so everything will be so clear. Also, we try to look into every detail of code. Of course, we can miss some points of them but in that case, you know that all time you can ask your questions from Q&A section or from direct message. All questions and messages will be answered.
Our application goes on with two main components. These are server side and client side.
On server side, the main core thing will be Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. We will implement microservices with using these two libraries. Also, we will use these libraries on microservices;
First one is Spring Boot Web; Because we will use Model View Controller structure on our service.
Second one is Spring Security; Because we will implement secure login.
The other one is Java Persistence Api; Because we will use Object relational mapping.
The other one is Rest Repositories; Because we will use rest API.
The other one is Liquibase; Because we will use it for database migration.
The other one is MySQL; Because we will use it for database.
The other one is Eureka Discovery; Because we will use it for communication with other services.
Last one is Lombok; Because we will use it for clean code.
On client side, we will use angular 8. We will create a course management sytem on front end. Also, we will implement it step by step.
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