Building a Modern CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins
This course will teach you how to use Jenkins Pipeline to write CI/CD workflows.
DevOps engineers are often asked to build, test, and deploy applications in a way that’s reliable and repeatable without making code changes to the application itself. One of the tools that’s available to do that is Jenkins Pipeline. In this course, Building a Modern CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins, you’ll learn how to use Jenkins Pipeline to effectively write CI/CD workflows. First, you’ll explore the syntax and features of Jenkins pipeline code. Next, you’ll discover how to use flow control steps and conditions to control deployments. Finally, you’ll learn how to create reusable shared libraries to use with Jenkins pipelines. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to write workflows needed to write CI/CD workflows using Jenkins Pipeline.
Author Name: Chris Blackden
Author Description:
Chris Blackden started tinkering with computers and electronics at the age of thirteen and hasn’t stopped since. He’s worked in several different roles in Information Technology, and has experience with Software Engineering, System Administration, Information Security, and several different cloud providers. Currently, he works at the Research Department of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and teaches Cloud Computing and Data Science at Drexel University.
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