Building a simple RESTful Java microservice using JAX-RS and
Explore the process of building a simple RESTful Java microservice using JAX-RS. Understand how to expose HTTP endpoints, handle requests, and return responses in a standardized way, making your Java applications accessible through REST APIs.
At a Glance
Learn how to create a REST service with JAX-RS, JSON-B, and Open Liberty.
You will learn how to build and test a simple REST service with JAX-RS and JSON-B, which will expose the JVM’s system properties. The REST service will respond to GET requests made to the http://localhost:9080/LibertyProject/System/properties URL.
The service responds to a GET request with a JSON representation of the system properties, where each property is a field in a JSON object like this:
{ "":"Mac", "java.version": "1.8" }
The design of an HTTP API is essential when creating a web application. The REST API has become the go-to architectural style for building an HTTP API. The JAX-RS API offers functionality for creating, reading, updating, and deleting exposed resources. The JAX-RS API supports the creation of RESTful web services that come with desirable properties, such as performance, scalability, and modifiability.
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The Open Liberty Project team
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