Convert Categorical Variables into Quantitative Variables
This course will introduce basic methods to convert categorical variables into quantitative variables for analysis using Python. Without properly prepared data, your model is likely to be inaccurate or incomplete.
In this course, Converting Categorical Variables into Quantitative Variables, you’ll learn how to use basic Python functions to recode data for more effective analysis. First, you’ll review the difference between categorical variables and quantitative variables. Next, you’ll learn the concept of one-hot encoding, a common method for processing categorical data in machine learning algorithms. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the get_dummies method in Pandas to perform one-hot encoding. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge needed to prepare your categorical data for machine learning or data analysis.
Author Name: Jason Browning, Ph.D.
Author Description:
Jason Browning is a data and analytics professional with extensive experience in both the public and private sector, currently serving as the chief data officer at Montana State University. As a Tableau Desktop Certified Professional, Jason loves to build data visualizations that both inform and inspire. He is capable of wrangling messy data both inside and outside of Tableau, and using SQL to perform complex queries. He holds a Ph.D. in higher education administration from the University of Wy… more
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Preprocessing Categorical Variables
5mins - One-hot Encoding
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