Core Python 3: Robust Resource and Error Handling
Exceptions are ubiquitous in Python. In this course, you’ll broaden your knowledge of exceptions and how to work with them. You’ll also be introduced to context managers, Python’s facility for safely and automatically managing resources.
The dominant error handling strategy in Python is the use of exceptions, and exceptions are ubiquitous in the Python language, standard library, and package ecosystem. In this course, Core Python 3: Robust Resource and Error Handling, you’ll understand how to work with exceptions in Python. First, you’ll be introduced to context managers, Python’s facility for safely and automatically managing resources. Next, you’ll see how larger systems often benefit greatly from more sophisticated exception handling strategies. Finally, you’ll discover how to model database transactions. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll know how to chain associated exception together, define your own exceptions, and define and deploy context managers.
Author Name: Austin Bingham
Author Description:
Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling software in C++ and Python. Prior to that he worked at National Instruments developing LabVIEW, at Applied Research Labs (Univ. of Texas at Austin) developing sonar systems for the U.S. Navy, and at a number of telecommunications companies. He is an ex… more
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Review
4mins - Exception Hierarchies
5mins - Exception Payloads
4mins - User-defined Exceptions
3mins - Exception Chaining
5mins - Tracebacks
3mins - Assertions
13mins - Context Managers
14mins - The Context Manager Decorator
5mins - Multiple Context Managers in a With-Statement
5mins - Example: Modeling Database Transactions with Context Managers
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