Data Visualization: Best Practices
Data visualization is becoming more commonplace every day. In this course, you will learn why data visualization is on the rise; why you should care about data visualization; and learn strategies to be an effective data visualization designer.
As data visualization rises in popularity across companies worldwide, so do poor data visualization practices. In this course, Data Visualization: Best Practices, you will gain the ability to build visually-pleasing charts that effectively communicate your message. First, you will learn the basic concept of data visualization, why the field is growing, and how data viz can make an impact. Next, you will discover a variety of effective chart types and learn the design practices that make them effective. Finally, you will explore how to leverage preattentive attributes in your visualizations in order to enable easy data interpretation. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of data visualization needed to build visually-appealing, impactful, and effective charts in any data visualization software.
Author Name: Curtis Harris
Author Description:
Curtis joined Pluralsight in 2017 as an Analytics Engineer and is currently the Head of Analytics Engineering. Curtis has spent most of his professional career mastering data visualization concepts and applications. He is a former Tableau Iron Viz champion and a Tableau Public Ambassador. Curtis blogs at and teaches data viz at the University of Utah.
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - The What and Why of Data Visualization
20mins - Data Visualization Concepts and Practices
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