Design Patterns with Python 2
This course will introduce you to eight classic software design patterns and how they can be implemented in Python to help you create programs that are professional, extendable, and maintainable.
At the core of professional programming practice is a thorough knowledge of software design patterns.
In this course, Design Patterns with Python, you will learn eight classic patterns and how to implement them in Python.
In this Python design patterns tutorial, you will learn:
Author Name: Gerald Britton
Author Description:
Gerald Britton is a Pluralsight author and expert on Python programming practices and Microsoft SQL Server development and administration. A multiple-year of the Microsoft MVP award, Gerald has led introductory classes in Python and SQL for industry-sponsored events at Ryerson University, Toronto and the University of Toronto (his alma mater).
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Introduction to Design Patterns
14mins - The Strategy Pattern
12mins - The Observer Pattern
15mins - The Command Pattern
15mins - The Singleton Pattern
14mins - The Builder Pattern
12mins - The Factory Pattern
12mins - The Abstract Factory Pattern
9mins - The Null Pattern
4mins - Course Summary
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