Designing Machine/Deep Learning Models Using Azure CLI
The course enables the engineers/data scientist to build and deploy machine learning models into the Azure cloud, just by using Azure CLI commands.
In this course, you will start your journey by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the basics of Azure, including creating and managing Azure resources, and setting up the Azure CLI environment.
Next, you will learn how to build Azure Machine Learning pipelines from scratch. Then, you’ll delve into deep learning and distributed deep learning pipelines. You’ll learn how to manage the deployment and scheduling of these models. You’ll also cover the complete model management strategies. Finally, the course will cover model analysis using responsible AI, teaching how to identify and mitigate potential biases in models and ensuring that models are ethical and fair. You’ll also learn how to analyze the models and identify potential areas for improvement.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Azure Machine Learning, including how to build complex pipelines, deploy models using online/batch methods, and manage and analyze models using tools like MLflow and responsible AI.
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