Welcome to Django 201: Intermediate Django Development.
In this class we are going to be building a large social network style web application together called Today I Learned, and the premise is to share what you have learned in small bit sized pieces, much like Twitter.
Unlike Django 101 where we created an Instagram like clone, Django 201 is about a Twitter like clone.
We will be starting at the very beginning with virtual environment, starting a new django project, and creating a new app inside of it. Then we will be extending the default User to have a Profile where we can add extra account details and upload an image.
We are also tackling Django Authentication in this class. Yes, you will be able to let users sign up, login, and logout.
We will be using include tags, 3rd party packages, exploring 3rd party packages, and creating new posts on the fly.
But most importantly we will be mixing JavaScript and Django so people can dynamically create new posts without ever leaving the homepage.
I have purposely left some bugs in the code for you to work on in your final project. This is AMAZING real life experience because a lot of companies will give you code to work on as a “task” in your interview process, and you will need to be able to pick it up and run with it. This class will prepare you for that.
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