Execute CRUD Operations in MongoDB
Learn to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in MongoDB. Master the basics of working with MongoDB to manipulate and manage data efficiently in your web applications using Python or other tools.
At a Glance
In this guided project, you will work with create-read-update-delete (CRUD) operations by creating and making changes to documents with MongoDB.
MongoDB is a popular non-relational database that supports various data types, including dates and numbers. Explore the range of CRUD capabilities by applying filters, running queries, creating lists, and finding counts.
In this guided project, you will start and connect to the MongoDB server. Once in the database, you will create a collection and add several documents to it. You will practice finding document counts and discover several ways to read and query documents including creating lists, filtering lists, and using a projection document. You will explore ways to limit, name, and update fields. After trying out these useful operations, you will remove documents in your collection by defining deletion criteria. Then you will delete all the documents at one time by executing a single remove operation.
Executing the operations in this guided project will set you up to manage MongoDB databases successfully as you proceed to perform more complex database operations.
A Look at the Project Ahead
Once you have completed this project, you’ll be able to:
- Describe the process of setting up the MongoDB environment
- Create documents in MongoDB with the insert method
- Read documents by listing them, counting them and matching them to a query
- Update and delete documents in MongoDB based on specific criteria
What You’ll Need
Just a web browser!
Everything else is provided to you via the IBM Skills Network Labs environment, where you will have access to the MongoDB service that we offer as part of the IBM Skills Network Labs environment. This platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.
Your Instructor
Ramesh Sannareddy
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