Learn to make a game in Phaser 3 by understanding the fundamentals of the engine and game development. It is a powerful engine built-in JavaScript that doesn’t get in your way, allowing for platform-agnostic games to reach wide audiences on multiple platforms. Games built-in Phaser natively works on phones and browsers.
With this course, upskill with features like the physics system, event system, animation systems, and make a puzzle game that explores user experience and the animation system. Become equipped with the knowledge of various helpful external tools to enhance your Phaser 3 game design experience.
Why Should You Learn Phaser 3?
It is beginner-friendly and doesn’t require in-depth game dev knowledge.
Free, open-source tool that allows you to make fully-fledged 2D games in a browser.
New features & improvements keep coming.
How This Course Can Help You?
This course is targeted towards aspiring game designers who want to explore a more unorthodox engine in the form of Phaser 3. You don’t need to know anything about Phaser before taking this course, but it would be helpful to have the JavaScript fundamentals down.
As this online course on game development unfolds, you will learn all the concepts & theories along with the development environment for scalable workflows. It will help you in understanding game design theory, Phaser 3 fundamentals, NPM, Git, Webpack, Importing and working with Sprites, Sequencing 2D animation & so much more.
Major Topics That You Will Learn
Intro to game development
Intro to JavaScript & Phaser
Game design theory
Installation and environment setup
Functional programming vs OOP
Adding objects, movements, collisions
Flashing effects
Screen shake effects
Sound effects and music
Begin today to learn Phaser 3 for building your favorite games using JavaScript!
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