Introduction to the Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AZ-140) Exam
Microsoft’s AZ-140 exam is a unique specialty exam that tests against the knowledge and experience needed to be successful in managing an Azure Virtual Desktop implementation. This course introduces the exam and the courses in the learning path.
Microsoft’s AZ-140 exam is a unique specialty exam that begins with the foundational topics in the AZ-104 Azure Associate exam and then focuses attention specifically on the design, implementation, and management of VMs and services in Azure Virtual Desktop. It tests against the knowledge and experience you’ll need to be successful in managing an Azure Virtual Desktop implementation in production. In this course, Introduction to the Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AZ-140) Exam, you’ll delve into Microsoft’s AZ-140 exam along with the courses within this learning path. First, you’ll be introduced to the mission for this learning path. Next, you’ll gain an understanding on these courses’ alignment with the AZ-140 certification. Finally, you’ll explore the resources you’ll want to provision if you plan on following along. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to tackle the rest of the Azure Virtual Desktop learning path and be prepared to take the AZ-140 exam.
Author Name: Ned Bellavance
Author Description:
Ned is an IT professional with almost 20 years of experience in the field. He has been a helpdesk operator, systems administrator, cloud architect, and product manager. In his newest incarnation, he is the Founder of Ned in the Cloud LLC. As a one-man-tech-juggernaut, he develops courses for Pluralsight, runs two podcasts (Day Two Cloud and Buffer Overflow), and creates original content for technology vendors. Ned has been a Microsoft MVP since 2017 and holds a bunch of industry certifications t… more
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