JavaScript: From Fundamentals to Functional JS
Solidify your knowledge of objects, arrays, and prototypes in JavaScript. Master closures, use higher-order functions/callbacks, and learn underscore.js.
Solidify your knowledge of objects, arrays, and prototypes in JavaScript. Then, you’ll master closures, use higher-order functions/callbacks, and learn underscore.js so you have a foundation to build on more complex concepts like functional programming. Course materials are broken into two parts and can be found at JS Fundamentals: Slides, Exercises and Intro to Functional JS: Slides, Exercises
Author Name: Bianca Gandolfo
Author Description:
Bianca co-leads the Telegraph Academy, a school that focuses on and serves the unique needs of people of color in the technology industry and trains them to become world-class Software Engineers. She also is a chapter leader for Girl Develop It SF and is the SF Evangelist for Women Who Code. She is passionate about teaching, writing beautiful code, adventuring, and learning new things.
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