Great leaders can be many things, but they can only be measured by one criterion – the performance that they influence through others.
In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous workplace, it is not enough to be a manager. You must truly learn how to be a leader – someone who influences and transforms how others feel about themselves and the work they do.
Your leadership behaviour has the greatest impact on the people you lead and your team. This will impact the productivity and the motivation of everyone. It affects the effort that people are prepared to contribute. The more they contribute, the more successful the team will be.
Become a leader in your workplace by harnessing the power of the six leadership styles:
Directive – securing immediate compliance
Pace-setting – accomplishing tasks to high standards of quality
Affiliative – creating harmony
Democratic – getting everyone’s commitment and generating ideas
Visionary – providing long term vision and direction
Coaching – long term professional development
There is no right or wrong leadership style – the most effective style will vary depending upon the demands of the situation.
Effective leaders use these styles in the right measure and at the right time to create a positive, energising work climate for their teams.
Understanding the six leadership styles, you will:
Gain a robust understanding of how to adapt your style to be an effective leader
Learn daily practices that will enable you to shift your style to do the right things, at the right time, in the right circumstances and with the right people
Understand how each style of leadership plays a crucial role in influencing others and leading a company to success
Leadership is not something you are born with, it can be learned.
Whether you have been recently promoted to a leadership role, have an interest in being promoted to a management position, or are simply looking for the next step in your career, you probably have or will find yourself asking, “How can I understand what to do to become a good leader?”
This course will introduce you to the six leadership styles of effective leadership and how to adapt them to influence others, lead effectively, work with different types of people, and create an engaging team environment.
The course also includes practical strategies for you to consider to increase the use of each style and to tone down the use of each style. Putting these into practice will help you to be more flexible in your approach as a leader.
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