What if Twitter didn’t exist? What if when you searched a query on Google, it took hours or days to return results? Well, this is how old computers worked, a request would require running through all possible options, before it would return the best possible result. But, with the advancements in technology has reduced this number from days and hours to seconds.
Apache Storm is a real-time processing software that manages to do just that. It can process through data to find a particular trend or similar words in the queries. Storm allows developers to build powerful applications that are highly responsive and can find trends between topics on twitter, monitoring spikes in payment failures, and so on.
The best part about Apache Storm is the amount of things that can be done with it. Storm is compatible with multiple languages, is extremely fast for processing through large data sets, is scalable, fault-tolerant, and packed with more amazing features.
If you want to learn this brilliant processing technology, then we have THE COURSE for you to learn Apache Storm
Our course has been designed to help you become familiar with Apache Storm, by breaking down this amazing software into easy-to-learn components. These components will help you learn Apache Storm from scratch using examples at every stage.
The course will cover topics such as:
- Building blocks of Storm Topology, including Spouts and Bolts
- Running a Storm Topology in the local remote mode
- Parallelizing data processing within a topology using different grouping strategies: Shuffle grouping, fields grouping, Direct grouping, All grouping, Custom Grouping
- Managing reliability and fault-tolerance within Spouts and Bolts
- Performing complex transformations on the fly using the Trident topology: Map, Filter, Windowing and Partitioning operations
- Applying ML algorithms on the fly using libraries like Trident-ML and Storm-R.
Enroll now and dive deep into Storm!
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