Object detection on Edge devices with Live Video Analytics using YOLO model
Use a Live Video Analytics module to deploy a machine learning solution to an IoT Edge device. The solution will process a video feed from cameras and detect objects at the edge using a YOLO model to perform inferencing operations. Check that the solution is successfully deployed and test your solution from a web application.
Use Live Video Analytics on IoT Edge module to build a video analytics solution, Deploy a set of modules to an IoT Edge virtual machine using the installer, Set up an application that uses a virtual device for rapid inference at the edge, Bring an AI model of your choice into the video analytics solution, Test a solution that will detect a person at the edge from a web application
An Azure subscription
Ability to use Azure Cloud Shell
Basic knowledge of Azure IoT Edge
Basic knowledge of Custom Vision
Basic knowledge of Live Video Analytics
Basic knowledge of containers
Ability to use Docker
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