Play by Play: Angular and ngrx
In this course, you’ll explore using ngrx with Angular to implement the redux pattern.
Play by Play is a series in which top technologists work through a problem in real time, unrehearsed, and unscripted. In this course, Play by Play: Angular and ngrx, Duncan Hunter and Lars Klint cover why you would want to use ngrx, the main redux principles, and how to implement action creators, effects, selectors and unit tests. Managing state in single page apps with Angular is error prone and this is where the redux pattern and the ngrx library can help stop your app from becoming a bowl of mutable soup. By the end of this course, you’ll have the fundamental concepts of the redux pattern and ngrx. You will also know what decisions you will need to make when implementing ngrx and what are the pros and cons of each option.
Author Name: Duncan Hunter
Author Description:
Duncan works as an Australian software consultant, founder of Foodzone, Pluralsight author who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals. Duncan is an Angular expert and divides his time with between training and upskilling teams to implement best practices with Angular, growing Foodzone and working for clients writing code.
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
2mins - ngrx Library and the Redux Pattern
10mins - The ngrx Components
8mins - Installing ngrx and Creating the Structure
49mins - Developer Tools
5mins - Performance Improvements with Container and Presentational Components
13mins - Tips and Testing
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