Query and manipulate repository objects by using CIM and WMI methods
This module explains how to use CIM and WMI to make changes by using methods. Discovering and understanding these methods is an important step in querying and manipulating the repository information.
Discover the methods of repository objects., Locate online documentation for methods., Locate the methods of the Win32_Service class and their documentation., Explain how to invoke methods of repository objects., Use methods for the Win32_OperatingSystem and Win32_Process classes.
Familiarity with Windows networking technologies and implementation
Familiarity with Windows Server administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting
Familiarity with Windows PowerShell and its commands to perform specific tasks
Familiarity with PowerShell cmdlets used for system administration tasks related to Active Directory, network configuration, server administration, and Windows 10 device administration
Familiarity with Windows PowerShell pipeline, PowerShell providers, and PowerShell drives
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