React Third-party State Management Playbook
This course will teach you how to implement third-party state management in React apps. It will help you pick between some of the most popular third-party state libraries.
There are many interesting ways handle React state today. In this course, React Third-party State Management Playbook, you’ll learn 6 major categories of state management and understand their key differences and tradeoffs. First, you’ll see how to implement multiple state management libraries in React, and see how they differ. Then, you’ll explore Redux, Jotai, Zustand, and react-query. Finally, you’ll learn when third-party state is useful, and how to pick between these tools. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the React state management skills necessary to build complex, responsive, and scalable React apps.
Author Name: Cory House
Author Description:
Cory is the principal consultant at, where he has helped dozens of companies transition to React. Cory has trained over 10,000 software developers at events and businesses worldwide. He is a seven time Microsoft MVP, and speaks regularly at conferences around the world. Cory lives in Kansas City and is active on Twitter as @housecor.
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Picking a Third-party State Management Library
22mins - Implementing Unidirectional State with Redux or Zustand
25mins - Implementing Atomic State with Recoil or Jotai
18mins - Implementing Proxy State with Mobx or Valtio
26mins - Managing Remote State with Tanstack Query
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