Securing Angular Apps with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 allow your apps to use modern security protocols and to participate in a Single Sign-on (SSO) experience across multiple apps. This course will show you how to authenticate users and authorize access in your Angular apps.
Securing your Angular apps with modern, interoperable security protocols helps you ensure your apps are secure, and that they can participate in a Single Sign-on (SSO) experience across multiple apps that use the same identity provider. In this course, Securing Angular Apps with OpenID and OAuth 2, you will learn how to apply the OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 protocols to authenticate users and authorize their access to functionality and data in your apps. First, you will explore the security fundamentals and concepts you need to be aware of for Angular apps. Next, you will discover how to connect to your OpenID Connect identity provider for authentication. Lastly, you will successfully use and manage your OAuth 2 access tokens for authorization. When you are finished with this course, you will have a solid foundation for building your Angular apps with robust security and done in a way that lets you integrate with any OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 identity provider.
Author Name: Brian Noyes
Author Description:
Brian Noyes is CTO and Architect at Solliance (, an expert technology solutions development company. Brian is a Microsoft MVP and specializes in client application architecture, full stack web development, cloud and microservice architecture. Brian has authored several books and dozens of technology publication articles, including Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Prism 4, Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0, and Smart Client Deployment with ClickOnce. Brian got started programmin… more
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Angular App Security Big Picture
34mins - Authenticating with OpenID Connect
61mins - Connecting to a Different OpenID Connect Provider
17mins - Authorizing Calls to Your Backend APIs with OAuth 2
43mins - Enhancing the Security User Experience
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