SOLID Principles for C# Developers
Every C# developer, or any developer using an object-oriented programming language, needs a good understanding of the SOLID principles. These principles guide your design toward more loosely coupled and maintainable software.
It’s easy to write software that fulfills its users’ immediate needs, but is difficult to extend and maintain. Such software becomes a burden for companies striving to remain competitive.
In this course, SOLID Principles for C# Developers, you will learn five fundamental principles of object-oriented design that will keep your software loosely coupled, testable, and maintainable.
First, you will see how to keep classes small and focused, and how to extend their behavior without having to edit their source code.
Then, you will discover the importance of properly designing interfaces and abstractions in your systems.
Finally, you will explore how to arrange dependencies in your system so different implementations can be added or plugged in as needed, allowing a truly modular design.
When you are finished with this course, you will understand how to build maintainable, extensible, and testable applications using C# and .NET.
Author Name: Steve Smith
Author Description:
Steve Smith (@ardalis) is an entrepreneur and software developer with a passion for building quality software as effectively as possible. He provides mentoring and training workshops for teams with the desire to improve. Steve has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for over 10 consecutive years, and is a frequent speaker at software developer conferences and events. He is the top contributor to the official documentation on ASP.NET Core and enjoys helpings others write maintainable, testable app… more
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Single Responsibility Principle
22mins - Open / Closed Principle
23mins - Liskov Substitution Principle
19mins - Interface Segregation Principle
25mins - Dependency Inversion Principle
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