Showing 12673–12684 of 18767 results

Mi primer prompt para Inteligencia Artificial
Aprende a crear tu primer prompt para Inteligencia Artificial. Descubre cómo formular preguntas efectivas y obtener resultados precisos de los modelos de IA.

MichiganX: Building Web Applications in Django
This second course in Django for Everybody explores data models in Django and how it communicates with a database. This course also explores basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and database modeling and how they work in the Django model.

MichiganX: Building Web Applications in Django
This second course in Django for Everybody explores data models in Django and how it communicates with a database. This course also explores basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and database modeling and how they work in the Django model.

MichiganX: Data Science Ethics
Learn how to think through the ethics surrounding privacy, data sharing, and algorithmic decision-making.

MichiganX: Data Science Ethics
Learn how to think through the ethics surrounding privacy, data sharing, and algorithmic decision-making.

MichiganX: Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch
In this fourth and final course in PostgreSQL for Everybody, learners will explore database architectures, CRUD operations and how ACID requirements are implemented in PostgreSQL. Learners will compare how to scale SQL and NoSQL database services and build NoSQL applications using ElasticSearch.

MichiganX: Database Design and Basic SQL in PostgreSQL
This first course in PostgreSQL for Everybody explores the use of SQL in the PostgreSQL environment and introduces SQL techniques and commands. This course also explores data modeling and database relationships, while introducing hands-on assignments to work within PostgreSQL.

MichiganX: Django Features and Libraries
This third course in Django for Everybody explores building Django-based web applications through the use of cookies, sessions, and the authentication processes in Django. You will develop a simple web application and learn how an application moves from development to production.

MichiganX: Intermediate PostgreSQL
This second course in PostgreSQL for Everybody explores a wide range of SQL techniques to aggregate and transact data in PostgreSQL.This course also explores handling, reading, and parsing data with PostgreSQL and working with text in databases with regular expressions.

MichiganX: JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL
In this third course in PostgreSQL for Everybody, learners will learn how PostgreSQL creates and uses JSON and natural language content. Learners will explore using multiple sources of data and how text is structured within PostgreSQL.

MichiganX: JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL
In this third course in PostgreSQL for Everybody, learners will learn how PostgreSQL creates and uses JSON and natural language content. Learners will explore using multiple sources of data and how text is structured within PostgreSQL.

MichiganX: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
This course is a "no prerequisite" introduction to Python Programming. You will learn about variables, conditional execution, repeated execution and how we use functions. The homework is done in a web browser so you can do all of the programming assignments on a phone or public computer.