Showing 13609–13620 of 17165 results
Ransomware and Protection
What is ransomware?, What causes a ransomware infection?, Ransomware attack stages, Types of ransomware, Notable ransomware variants, Ransom payments, and More
Ransomware Attack Prevention: Everything You Need To Know
Rapid course to learn Oracle Visual Builder
Develop engaging web and mobile application using Visual Builder
Rapid course to learn Oracle Visual Builder
Develop engaging web and mobile application using Visual Builder
Rapid JavaScript Training
Learn JavaScript rapidly in a direct question and answer format. You'll see hundreds of examples which cover most aspects of the language.
Rapid Prototyping
Explore techniques for quickly creating prototypes to validate ideas and gather user feedback.
Rapidly develop and deploy Java apps using GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines
Create a Terraform configuration, provision your Azure resources, and set up your project for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) by using either GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines.
Raspberry Pi for Developers
Are you a developer who would like to be able to control things in the real world? This course will show you how easy it is to get started using the Raspberry Pi platform and ecosystem to build fun and useful projects.
Raspberry Pi Home Server
In this course, you'll learn how to turn a Raspberry Pi single-board computer into a complete home server, capable of sharing files and media, including backups of other computers, and providing secure access to your home network when you're away.
RaspberryPiFoundation: An Introduction to Web Development
Learn to build your own interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
RaspberryPiFoundation: An Introduction to Web Development
Learn to build your own interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
RaspberryPiFoundation: Get Started Teaching Computing in Primary Schools: Preparing to teach 5 – 11 year olds
Explore a range of strategies for teaching computing to primary school pupils (aged 5 to 11 years old).