Showing 14257–14268 of 18767 results

Practical SpringBoot Microservices Implementation Mastery
Learn to implement SpringBoot based Microservices and RESTful API's architecture

Practical SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery
Supporting high availability and disaster recovery are without a doubt some of the most fundamental skill-sets necessary to being a successful senior level DBA. Whether you work in a multi-million dollar enterprise or a “strapped for cash” start-up, this course will compare and contrast the many features, techniques, and concepts available in SQL Server to meet your individual needs.

Practical SQL Server Security, Compliance, and Auditing
This course is a practical approach to leveraging SQL Server to meet the needs of your industry compliance, audit, security, and encryption standards.

Practical Strategies to Boost Your Productivity and Avoid Burnout
This course will teach you strategies to maximize your productivity while staying energized and avoiding burnout.

Practical Web Application Penetration Testing
From Zero to Hero!

Practical WebAssembly
Discover practical uses of WebAssembly for performance optimization in web applications, focusing on compilation and integration with JavaScript.

Practical WebAssembly
Dive into WebAssembly, learning how to integrate it into web applications for enhanced performance and portability.

Practicing CI/CD with AWS CodePipeline
This course will show you how to easily get your applications in front of your customers by showing you how to build, test, and deploy your software projects with AWS CodePipeline.

Practicing Coding Interview Questions in Python
Prepare for your next coding interviews in Python.

Practicing Machine Learning Interview Questions in Python
Sharpen your knowledge and prepare for your next interview by practicing Python machine learning interview questions.

Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in Python
Prepare for your next statistics interview by reviewing concepts like conditional probabilities, A/B testing, the bias-variance tradeoff, and more.

Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in R
In this course, you'll prepare for the most frequently covered statistical topics from distributions to hypothesis testing, regression models, and much more.