Showing 4189–4200 of 18767 results

Credential Access with LaZagne
In this course, you will learn privilege escalation using LaZagne, a post-exploitation tool used to recover credentials from a system.

Credential Access with Mimikatz 2
In addition to other functionality, Mimikatz extracts password hashes and clear-text credentials from system memory. Mimikatz can also manipulate domain account passwords or display protected credentials stored in files.

Credential Access with Responder
After getting initial access in a network, your next task is to move laterally and escalate privileges. In this course, you will see the Responder tool which allows you to exploit vulnerabilities on the LLMNR and NBT-NS protocols to get credentials

Credential Access with THC Hydra
THC Hydra is a fast and powerful parallelized network login cracker with support for a wide variety of network protocols. Skill up your brute forcing techniques by leveraging THC Hydra to identify weak passwords.

Credential Management and Access Control with Active Directory and Entra ID
Modern authentication uses a variety of factors and technologies to verify the identity of a user. This course will teach you how to implement passwordless authentication options, on-premises and in the cloud.

Credit Card Fraud Detection using Scikit-Learn and Snap ML
Build a credit card fraud detection model using Scikit-Learn and Snap ML. Learn to preprocess transaction data, apply classification algorithms, and evaluate model performance to prevent fraudulent activities in the financial sector.

Credit Modelling
Credit Rating-The most important parameter affecting the company's performance

Credit Risk Modeling in Python
Learn how to prepare credit application data, apply machine learning and business rules to reduce risk and ensure profitability.

Credit Risk Modeling in R
Apply statistical modeling in a real-life setting using logistic regression and decision trees to model credit risk.

Creo Advance Software -Part Modelling, Manufacturing and Mold Design
Creo Parametric Advance Software

Creo Parametric- CAD Professional
PTC Creo : Learn of Part, Sheet metal, Surface modeling, Assembly, Drawing View ,Mechanism, Animation, Rendering

Crime Analysis Techniques
This Free Online Course Includes: 3-4 Hours of Learning CPD Accreditation Final Assessment