Showing 589–600 of 18767 results
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (AWS VPC) – compact course
aws vpc, network security, cidr blocks, nat gateway, internet gateway, subnets, flow logs
Amazon Web Services – LAMP Setup – Step By Step
This course helps you in creating a Linux instance and installing PHP,MySQL and more stuff on Amazon EC2 instance.
American Contract Law
This Free Online Course Includes: 1.5-3 Hours of Learning CPD Accreditation Final Assessment
Americas Keynote: Security Learns to Spring: DevSecOps
This talk will argue that DevOps could be the best thing to happen to application security since OWASP if developers and operations teams are enabled to make security a part of their everyday work.
Americas Panel: Lessons Learned from the DevSecOps Trenches
This panel is made up of practitioners who lead application security teams at the forefront of the DevSecOps shift. We will share a number of lessons learned the hard way to adapt security programs.
An 16 Hour C# Course With Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Our C# Course gives you the opportunity to acquire skills in C#, Microsoft Visual studio 2013, Debugging and SQL Server Basics
An AngularJS Playbook
The Playbook contains strategies and patterns for common scenarios in AngularJS applications. The scenarios include working with authorization tokens, nested routes, form validation, consistent error handling and diagnostics, as well as building custom directives to integrate with third party libraries.
An In-Depth Understanding of Memory and Pointers in C
The course will cover everything from basic information about pointers & memory to data structures implementation using pointers and their advanced usage.
An In-Depth Understanding of Memory and Pointers in C
The course will cover everything from basic information about pointers & memory to data structures implementation using pointers and their advanced usage.
An Intro to Python 3
A beginner-friendly introduction to Python 3, covering fundamental concepts and practical programming exercises.
An Intro to Python 3
A beginner-friendly introduction to Python 3, covering the essential concepts and syntax for programming.
An Introduction to Agile and Scrum
This Free Online Course Includes: 1.5-3 Hours of Learning CPD Accreditation Final Assessment